Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Infographic Guide to Puppy CPR

Throughout history dogs have been our friends and companions. They have helped us perform work, enjoy play, and travel from place to place. Some dogs assist us when we have special needs we cannot manage on our own. There have been instances where dogs have even saved our lives. A time may come when a dog or puppy you know will need a human to save its life. Would you know how to perform puppy CPR?

Learning canine CPR allows dog owners and dog lovers to be prepared in the rare instance that their dogs need life saving interventions. For breeders or owners who whelp puppies, it is imperative to become familiar with how to care properly for pups that are born in cardiac or respiratory arrest. The steps to perform puppy CPR are not difficult, but they just may be the best gift that you can give to your canine
friend. Learn more about puppy CPR in this educational infographic:

(Click on any part of the infographic for a larger version)

Puppy CPR Infographic Via the Carrington College Veterinary Technology Program at